Hemp Clothing and Apparel Reviews

WAMA Hemp Underwear Contain No PFAS

I consider underwear to be one of the most personal pieces of clothing I own. It’s something that I wear daily, directly against my skin in areas that are both sensitive and private. This is precisely why the material matters so much. When I choose a pair of underwear, I’m not just looking for comfort and style; I’m also considering the fabric’s contact with my skin and the implications this could have on my overall health.

Common fabrics used in underwear, like cotton, modal, and, more controversially, nylon, come with a variety of touch points for consumers. Nylon, in particular, is often touted for its softness and durability. I get the appeal; it’s moisture-wicking and has that sleek feel that many find comfortable. But these qualities can be deceiving when you consider the backstory of nylon’s lifecycle and production process.

Quality becomes a primary concern when we think about the substances our underwear is made from, and it should be. The skin around our privates is absorbent and delicate, making it essential that the materials we choose for our underwear are safe and toxin-free. It’s not just a luxury; it’s a matter of personal health and conscious choice.

The Hidden Hazards of Nylon Underwear

Nylon Underwear sensitivity
Nylon Underwear sensitivity

You might see nylon as a standard textile in your wardrobe, but it’s worth taking a second look at this ubiquitous material. Nylon is fundamentally a petroleum product, and while it has a reputation for being a safe plastic, that safety is not so clear-cut. On the surface, pure nylon might seem harmless, but the extra ingredients mixed in raise concerns.

Adding desired qualities to underwear, such as water resistance or durability, nylon is often treated with additives. And one of the most notorious among these is PFAS – per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. PFAS are chemicals linked to a variety of health issues, and they’re used to make products waterproof or stain-resistant. Unfortunately, this means that your nylon underwear could carry unseen risks right next to your skin, and may not be listed on the label.

Many labels leave out the fact that the clothing contains PFAS thinking it is unimportant to disclose. These chemicals are known as ‘forever chemicals’ because of their lifespan, and they are not safe, they never have been safe. How do the FDA and EPA approve such chemicals to be used on our daily products, let alone our intimate apparel? How was this allowed?

The manufacturing of nylon not only requires multiple chemical inputs; the processes also generate pollutants and waste. While not all additives are harmful, without transparency, it’s difficult to be sure what’s in your clothes. This complexity in production underscores the need for more natural and transparent material choices in the products we wear so close to our bodies every day.

Introducing WAMA Hemp Underwear’s Chemical-Free Promise

I find it essential to highlight WAMA Hemp Underwear’s dedication to producing underwear free of harmful substances— a promise that’s at the core of their brand. The company stands out in today’s market by committing to all-organic materials for its products, specifically a blend of organic hemp and cotton. This choice isn’t just about following a trend; it’s a thoughtful decision for health and the environment.

Why pick hemp, you might wonder. Hemp is known for its durability, breathability, and natural resistance to bacteria and fungi. It doesn’t require harsh chemical treatments to maintain these qualities. WAMA takes advantage of these naturally occurring benefits, creating underwear that offers protection without compromising your well-being.

Blending Hemp with cotton contributes to the overall comfort, ensuring the underwear is softer to the touch. WAMA’s smart fabric choice means customers can trust they are wearing a product that is as safe as it is comfortable. It’s a rare peace of mind in a world where hidden chemicals often lurk in the clothing we wear closest to our skin.

It’s WAMA’s firm stance against harmful chemicals like PFAS that positions them as a wise choice for health-conscious consumers. The company understands that even tiny amounts of these chemicals can be worrisome, especially when they’re found in clothing that sits in contact with sensitive areas for hours each day.

Steering clear of any chemicals in their undergarments, WAMA prioritizes your safety above all else.

The Cumulative Concern of PFAS in Clothing

PFAS Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances

While the direct impact of PFAS in clothing on our health is still being researched, the potential for harm cannot be dismissed lightly. These synthetic chemicals are known for their persistence, both in the environment and within our bodies, where they can accumulate over time.

This characteristic of PFAS to build up with each exposure is a silent issue. It’s not about a single day’s clothing choice but the compounded effect of daily decisions. With every PFAS-treated garment you wear, the level of these chemicals in your system could be inching upward, possibly affecting your well-being.

It’s a stark reminder that the clothes we choose have more than just a stylistic impact. Our decision to wear certain fabrics touches on significant health concerns, especially when those garments are for sensitive areas like underwear.

Anti-PFAS sign
Anti-PFAS sign

As a proactive step, selecting PFAS-free options like WAMA Hemp Underwear can make a big difference in your health journey. Remember, reducing your chemical exposure where you can is not just about making a healthier choice today—it’s about investing in your long-term wellness.

I urge you to consider the broader implications of your wardrobe, particularly your most intimate wear. By choosing underwear free from PFAS and other harmful substances, you’re not only ensuring protection for your sensitive areas but also supporting a healthier future. Take the initiative, one pair at a time.

Please feel free to share your opinion/experience(s) with WAMA Hemp Underwear below in the comments. I would love to have you join the conversation!

Shop WAMA Hemp Underwear today!

Stacie Fortson, GGWHSF


  • Eric

    Hello Stacie,

    I found your blog post on WAMA Hemp Underwear and the issues surrounding PFAS in clothing to be quite enlightening. It’s fascinating to see how something as seemingly simple as underwear can have such profound implications for our health and the environment.

    I’m particularly intrigued by the use of hemp in underwear production. You mentioned that hemp is known for its durability, breathability, and natural resistance to bacteria and fungi. This seems like an excellent alternative to synthetic materials that often require chemical treatments.

    I’m curious to learn more about this topic. Could you elaborate on how the performance of hemp underwear compares to more traditional cotton or synthetic options in terms of comfort and longevity? I’d be interested to hear if you have any personal experience or customer feedback on this aspect.


    • Stacie Fortson


      I find it amazing what is allowed to be added to our consumer goods these days, PFAS is not new, it has just been getting a lot of attention and some states like Colorado are banning the sales of ANY products that contain even a trace amount of PSAF.

      WAMA Hemp underwear contains no toxins at all and is very safe for our skin. Hemp underwear lasts longer and is less likely to stretch out while wearing as most underwear does. They do not shrink in the wash and do not require special care as some undergarments do. 

      They are by far the superior choice in underwear.

      I hope you find this helpful and welcome to the Industrial Hemp Revolution!

      Stacie Fortson, GGWHSF

  • Robby

    Wow, what a coincidence, it was not very long ago I was watching a program on hemp production in India, and how it is a growing industry. It showed several products being the end result of hemp use, but definitely not the unmentionable, underwear.

    I believe this is a product that has so much potential, just like bamboo, so as consumers become more aware and accept hemp products as an alternate product, the expansion will be rapid, and hopefully in areas of the world that need that type of opportunity.

    This article spells out facts that many people would be totally unaware of, so for me a great article, topic and cause.

    • Stacie Fortson


      Spreading awareness and providing alternative options is my goal, I am glad I was able to shed some light on the harmful PFAS in our clothing, most especially in our underwear. These ‘forever chemicals’ are so harmful it is a wonder they were ever approved by the FDA or EPA for use in our daily products. 

      I just read last evening that PFAS was found in milk of all things! Surely the milk was contaminated by the container, at least one would hope that is where it came from. Then it can be rectified quickly.

      Share this article if no other article, with as many people as you can. We are saving health issues with awareness.

      This is one huge reason for joining the Industrial Hemp Revolution, welcome aboard. This is the only Industrial Revolution that has had ‘Going Green’ as an agenda.

      Stacie Fortson, GGWHSF

  • Makinde


    I appreciate your time and effort in putting this informative article together.

    You successfully highlighted the hidden dangers of conventional nylon underwear, particularly the presence of PFAS, underscoring the importance of choosing safer chemical-free options.

    Worth noting is your suggestion of WAMA Health underwear as a commendable alternative to the conventional ones, prioritizing both health and environmental sustainability.

    Your commendable emphasis on hemp’s natural merits and it’s commitment to transparency in materials offer a compelling case for consumers to rethink their underwear choices.

    The article shows the importance of moving towards organic and toxin-free clothing, not just as a trend but in consideration of better health, well-being, and the environment.

    However, what’s your thought on the financial implications (pricing) of this great health and environmentally sustainable product compared to the conventional ones?

    Thank you for sharing this helpful article.

    – Makinde 

    • Stacie Fortson


      I am glad that you see the importance of choosing clothing that does not contain PFAS, the forever chemicals. 

      I understand the concern about the cost being a little more. I look at the big picture, the underwear offered by WAMA compared to say Fruit of The Loom, yes, the cost is substantially more, but the underwear are ultimately superior in quality and better for your health. They will last longer and be antibacterial and antifungal, also containing no harmful chemicals to build up in our systems and create potential health risks. 

      The price of quality hemp-made underwear will eventually come down, my question is this, “Can we really put a price on peace of mind?” Do we want to pay for products that could eventually harm our health, or would we rather pay a little more for safe products and have peace of mind? 

      Welcome to the Industrial Hemp Revolution, the only Industrial Revolution with ‘Going Green’ as an agenda!

      Stacie Fortson, GGWHSF 

  • Lyn

    Thank you for your insights into PFAS in underwear. It is true that we are being exposed to more and more toxins on a daily basis. The fact that nylon underwear often has a cotton gusset raises concerns about it coming into direct contact with our skin. I personally try to avoid synthetic fabrics in all my clothes, though at times this is difficult to achieve and limits my choice of styles. I was unaware of hemps anti-fungal properties and have seen it becoming more mainstream as a fabric choice. This is a good thing. 

    • Stacie Fortson


      I’m glad I could shed light on the harmful chemicals being hidden in our clothes these days. PFAS can also be found in organic materials as the chemicals can be used for waterproofing/resisting. Please make no mistake, these chemicals are not always listed on the ingredients of our apparel and other products, which is very alarming!

      The FDA and EPA have not been as diligent with this as I would like them to have been, hopefully with heightened consumer awareness, this will bring about big changes for the better.

      Remember to read your labels closely, if nylon is listed, there could be a world of hidden chemicals just waiting to be hosted by yours truly. To easily avoid this in your undergarments, you can always shop with WAMA Hemp Underwear, and have peace of mind.

      Happy Hemp Product shopping!

      Stacie Fortson, GGWHSF

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